Matlab/Simulink Program

11:46 PM

Laplace Transform

Posted by Shahrul

History of Laplace transform


The laplace Transform is named after the great French mathematician and astronor Laplace, who first presented the transform and its applications to differential equations in a paper published in 1779. Laplace developed the foundations of potential theory and made important contributions to special functions, probability theory, astronomy and celestial mechanics.

In his Exposition du systeme du monde (1796), Laplace formulated a nebular hypothesisof cosmic origin and tried to explain the universe as a pure mechanism. In his Traite de mecanique celeste ( celestial mechanic), which completed the work of Newton, Laplace used mathematics and physics to subject the solar system and all heavenly bodies to the laws of motion and the principle of gravitation. Newton had been unable to explain the irregularities of some heavenly bodies.

Laplace presented a copy of mecanique celeste to Napoleon, who, after reading the book, took laplace to task for not including God in his scheme: "You have written this huge book on the system of the world without once mentioning the author of universe." "Sire," Laplace retorted, " I had no need of that hypothesis." Napoleon was not amused, and when he reported this reply to another great mathematician-astronomer, Louis de Lagrange, the latter remarked, "Ah, but that is a fine hypothesis. Its explained so many things."

Napoleon, following his policy of honouring and promoting scientists, made Laplace the minister of the interior.

2) OLIVER HEAVISIDE (1850- 1925)[5]

Although Laplace published his transform method to solve differential equations in 1779, the method did not catch on until a century later. It was rediscovered indepandently in a rather awkward form by an eccentric British engineer, Oliver Heaviside, one of the tragic figures in the history of science and engineering. Heaviside was (for example) :

  • The first to find the solution to the distortionless transmission line.
  • The innovator of lowpass filter.
  • The first to write Maxwell's equation in modern form.
  • The codiscoverer of rate energy transfer by an electromagnetic field.
  • An important contributor to the developement of vector analysis. In fact, he essentially created the subject indepandently of Gibbs.
  • The first to theorize (along with Kennelly of Harvard) that a conductiing layer (the Kennelly-Heaviside layer) of atmosphere exists, which allows radio waves to follow earth's curvature instead of travelling off into space in a straight line.

below is the laplace transform table.

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The aim of this final year project is to introduce students to the modeling of power components and to use computer simulation as a tool for conducting transient and control studies. Simulation can be very helpful in gaining insights to the dynamic behavior and interactions that are often not readily apparent from reading theory. Simulation is often chosen by engineers to study transient and control performance or to test conceptual designs.

MATLAB/SIMULINK is used because of the short learning curve that most students require to start using it, its wide distribution, and its general purpose of nature. This will demonstrate the advantages of using MATLAB for analyzing power system steady-state behavior and its capabilities for simulating transients in power systems and power electronics, including control system dynamic behavior