Matlab/Simulink Program

11:17 PM

Function Of Block: Constant

Posted by Shahrul

As u can see in the figure below.. The constant of the block is Vt..

  • Constant:
Generate a constant value

  • Library

  • Description
The Constant block generates a real or complex constant value. The block generates scalar (one-element array), vector (1-D array), or matrix (2-D array) output, depending on the dimensionality of the Constant value parameter and the setting of the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D parameter. Also, the block can generate either a sample-based or frame-based signal, depending on the setting of the Sampling mode parameter.

The output of the block has the same dimensions and elements as the Constant value parameter. If you specify a vector for this parameter, and you want the block to interpret it as a vector (i.e., a 1-D array), select the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D parameter; otherwise, the block treats the Constant value parameter as a matrix (i.e., a 2-D array).

  • Data Type Support
By default, the Constant block outputs a signal whose data type and complexity are the same as that of the block's Constant value parameter. However, you can specify the output to be any data type supported by Simulink, including fixed-point data types.

  • Parameters and Dialog Box
The Main pane of the Constant block dialog appears as follows:

Note: Opening this dialog box causes a running simulation to pause..

  • Constant value

Specify the constant value output by the block. You can enter any MATLAB expression in this field, including the Boolean keywords, true or false, that evaluates to a matrix value. The Constant value parameter is converted from its data type to the specified output data type offline using round-to-nearest and saturation.

  • Interpret vector parameters as 1-D

If you select this check box, the Constant block outputs a vector of length N if the Constant value parameter evaluates to an N-element row or column vector, i.e., a matrix of dimension 1xN or Nx1. If you uncheck this option, you can interact with the Sampling mode parameter. See Determining the Output Dimensions of Source Blocks.

  • Sample time

Specify the interval between times that the Constant block's output can change during simulation (e.g., as a result of tuning its Constant value parameter). The default sample time is inf, i.e., the block's output can never change. This setting speeds simulation and generated code by avoiding the need to recompute the block's output.

  • Sampling mode

Specify whether the output signal is Sample based or Frame based. For more information about these types of signals, see Sample-Based Signals and Frame-Based Signals in the Signal Processing Blockset User's Guide.

Note: To generate frame-based signals, you must have the Signal Processing Blockset installed.

The Signal Data Types pane of the Constant block dialog appears as follows:

  • Output data type mode

Specify how the data type of the output is designated. The data type can be inherited through backpropagation, or can be designated in the Constant value parameter, for example int8(29). You can also choose a built-in data type from the list. If you choose Specify via dialog, the following parameters become visible.

  • Output data type

Specify any data type, including fixed-point data types. This parameter is only visible you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter.

  • Output scaling mode

Specify how the scaling of the output is designated. The output can be automatically scaled to maintain best vector-wise precision without overflow, or you can choose to specify the scaling in the dialog via the Output scaling value parameter. This parameter is only visible if you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter.

  • Output scaling value

Set the output scaling using binary point-only or [Slope Bias] scaling. This parameter is only visible if you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter and Use specified scaling for the Output Scaling Mode parameter.


Thank you..

1:27 PM

Launch Model Explorer

Posted by Shahrul

Button For Lunch Explorer 2.

After Click The button, The model explorer will appear.. This contain model information for the model that have been design..

Thank You..

Electric machines play an important role in industry as well as our day to day life. They are used to generate electrical power in power plants and provide mechanical work in industries. They are also an indispensable part of our daily lives. Electric machines are very important pieces of equipment in our everyday lives. The DC machine is considered to be basic electric machines.

The aim of this final year project is to introduce students to the modeling of power components and to use computer simulation as a tool for conducting transient and control studies. Simulation can be very helpful in gaining insights to the dynamic behavior and interactions that are often not readily apparent from reading theory. Simulation is often chosen by engineers to study transient and control performance or to test conceptual designs.

MATLAB/SIMULINK is used because of the short learning curve that most students require to start using it, its wide distribution, and its general purpose of nature. This will demonstrate the advantages of using MATLAB for analyzing power system steady-state behavior and its capabilities for simulating transients in power systems and power electronics, including control system dynamic behavior