Matlab/Simulink Program

12:42 AM

Motor Modelling

Posted by Shahrul

DC Motor are used when the speed and torque is required over a wide range. One method to controlling is by changing the terminal voltage. The study involves the electrical transient in the armature circuit and the mechanical transients in the mechanical systems. To perform the simulation of the system, an appropriate model needs to be established. Therefore, a model based on the motor specifications needs to be obtained.




Laplace Transform Eqn (1) and (2),


When switch closed ( electrical equation ),


Laplace Transform eqn (5),


, is the electrical time constant of the armature.

Dynamic equation for mechanical system (mechanical equation) ,


, the rotational loss torque of the system.

, equivalent viscous friction constant of load and motor.

, mechanical load torque.

  • , combined moment of inertia ( motor + load).

Laplace Transform of eqn (6),


Manipulating eqn (7),


, is the mechanical time constant.

From the circuit,



A block diagram representation from equation (8) and (9).


Electric machines play an important role in industry as well as our day to day life. They are used to generate electrical power in power plants and provide mechanical work in industries. They are also an indispensable part of our daily lives. Electric machines are very important pieces of equipment in our everyday lives. The DC machine is considered to be basic electric machines.

The aim of this final year project is to introduce students to the modeling of power components and to use computer simulation as a tool for conducting transient and control studies. Simulation can be very helpful in gaining insights to the dynamic behavior and interactions that are often not readily apparent from reading theory. Simulation is often chosen by engineers to study transient and control performance or to test conceptual designs.

MATLAB/SIMULINK is used because of the short learning curve that most students require to start using it, its wide distribution, and its general purpose of nature. This will demonstrate the advantages of using MATLAB for analyzing power system steady-state behavior and its capabilities for simulating transients in power systems and power electronics, including control system dynamic behavior