Matlab/Simulink Program

1:56 AM

Function of Block: Sum (2)

Posted by Shahrul


  • Sample time (-1 for inherited)
Specify the time interval between samples. To inherit the sample time, set this parameter to -1.

  • The Signal Data Types pane of the Sum block dialog appears as follows:

  • Require all inputs to have same data type
Select this parameter to require that all inputs must have the same data type.

  • Output data type mode
Specify the output data type and scaling to be the same as the first input, or inherit the data type and scaling from an internal rule or by backpropagation. You can also choose a built-in data type from the drop-down list. Lastly, if you choose Specify via dialog, the Output data type, Output scaling value, and Lock output scaling against changes by the autoscaling tool parameters become visible.

  • Output data type
Specify any data type, including fixed-point data types. This parameter is only visible if you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter.

  • Output scaling value
Set the output scaling using binary point-only or [Slope Bias] scaling. This parameter is only visible if you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter.Lock output scaling against changes by the autoscaling tool.

Select to lock scaling of outputs. This parameter is only visible if you select Specify via dialog for the Output data type mode parameter. Round integer calculations toward. Select the rounding mode for fixed-point operations.

  • Saturate on integer overflow
Select to have overflows saturate

  • Characteristic


Electric machines play an important role in industry as well as our day to day life. They are used to generate electrical power in power plants and provide mechanical work in industries. They are also an indispensable part of our daily lives. Electric machines are very important pieces of equipment in our everyday lives. The DC machine is considered to be basic electric machines.

The aim of this final year project is to introduce students to the modeling of power components and to use computer simulation as a tool for conducting transient and control studies. Simulation can be very helpful in gaining insights to the dynamic behavior and interactions that are often not readily apparent from reading theory. Simulation is often chosen by engineers to study transient and control performance or to test conceptual designs.

MATLAB/SIMULINK is used because of the short learning curve that most students require to start using it, its wide distribution, and its general purpose of nature. This will demonstrate the advantages of using MATLAB for analyzing power system steady-state behavior and its capabilities for simulating transients in power systems and power electronics, including control system dynamic behavior